07.07.20243 minutes read

The winners of the 8th year of the OFFICE ROKA competition received prizes

The winners of the 8th year of the OFFICE ROKA competition received prizes

During the ceremony announcing and awarding the prizes, moderator Tomáš Pecek, director of the Project Management and Architecture department, Tomáš Hegedűš, general director of CBRE Slovakia, and Zuzana Dobšovič, director of the Human Resources and Marketing departments, spoke as the organizers of the OFFICE ROKA CBRE competition.

After the presentation of all ten finalists, Peter Gróf, a member of the expert jury, said that the selection was difficult for the jury and that the nominees brought new quality and new ideas to the competition, as well as to the office sector. Tomáš Hegedűš added that nominated finalists can compete with offices in London, Paris and New York.

Peter Gróf, porotca OFFICE ROKA, a Tomáš Pecek

Healthy office

Tomáš Lodňan, CEO of GoodRequest, received the award in the Healthy office category. He thanked his wife Jane Lodňanova from ZAIT, who managed the office creation project. The award and diploma were presented to him by judge Lukáš Kordík and Milan Sedlák, representative of Nespresso's competition partner.

Ocenenie Zdravá kancelária pre spoločnosť GoodRequest

Innovative office

The company Kistler Bratislava s.r.o. became the winner in the Innovative office category. The award was received by company representatives Adriena Vrbova and Ivan Pukančík, together with representatives of the architectural studio ZEIT Architekti. Juror Milena Bobeková and the representative of the competition partner XAL, Karol Vrbatovič, presented the award and diploma.

Ocenenie Inovatívna kancelária pre spoločnosť Kistler Bratislava s.r.o.

Office as a company's DNA

Office as the company's DNA, has spaces full of references to its "core business" and are designed to attract new talents and the younger generation. Michal Kremeň from Slovenské elektrárne a.s. and architect Martin Hruška from Ardeline received the award in this category. Judge Veronika Kotradyová and the representative of the competition partner Narbutas, Michal Baláž, presented them with the award.

Ocenenie Kancelária ako DNA firmy pre spoločnosť Slovenské elektrárne a.s.

Absolute winner OFFICE OF THE YEAR

The seven finalists were anxiously waiting for the announcement of the absolute winner of the 8th edition of OFFICE ROKA. Tomáš Pecek did not keep the audience tense for long and introduced the company Immocap. The company's CEO, Martin Šramko, sees this award as a confirmation of their efforts to create quality workspaces without compromise. Together with his colleague Martin Marko, he received an award, a diploma and a voucher for cleaning office premises from competition partner Bavaris. Katarína Cíhová and judge Peter Gróf presented the prize for the competition partner WOOD Real Estate. Representatives from ZEIT Architects also took to the stage for the second time during the evening.

Špeciálne ocenenie pre abrama architekti

The pleasant atmosphere of the festive evening was further enhanced by coffee from our partner Nespresso, which together with snacks and pleasant music created an excellent atmosphere. Photogenic views of Bratislava and Bratislava Castle from the terrace of the CBRE Slovakia offices added another dimension to this great event. We can say without hesitation that the wish of General Director Tomáš Hegedűš from the beginning of the event was fulfilled - that those present would enjoy a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.


OFFICE ROKA 2023 a kancelária CBRE